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Ideal Founder Series Interview


Mar 8, 2024

Ideal Founder Series 016 Benson Chen, Co-Founder of Wonder Greener


Ideal Founder Series 016 Benson Chen, Co-Founder of Wonder Greener

Feb 6, 2024

Ideal Founder Series 015 Leon, Founder of AquaFertile


Ideal Founder Series 015 Leon, Founder of AquaFertile

Jan 23, 2024

Ideal Founder Series 014 Andrew Chen, Founder of Fortune AI

「平時對 Andrew 的印象是沈著、冷靜的,但在訪談開始沒過多久後,便清楚感受到 Andrew 心中的熱情所在。」

Ideal Founder Series 014  Andrew Chen, Founder of Fortune AI

Oct 24, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 013 Holly Liu, Co-Founder of Baked Tipsy

「自幼因為父親工作的需要,Holly 出生後全家便搬到了印尼。因此 Holly 便在當地的學美國學校就讀,那邊的風氣開放,十分鼓勵學生們的個體發展與探索,而 Holly 正式在那樣的環境薰陶下,開始對動物保護、婦女教育、永續等議題萌生了興趣。」

Ideal Founder Series 013 Holly Liu, Co-Founder of Baked Tipsy

Sep 18, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 012 Jacky Tsai, Co-Founder of Naked Protein


Ideal Founder Series 012 Jacky Tsai, Co-Founder of Naked Protein

Sep 1, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 011
Wayne Ma, Founder of Blue Diamond


藍鑽國際商業有限公司的創始人 - 馬偉恩,從高中畢業後便與珠寶行業締造了緊密的連結。從最初在Facebook 上經營網路拍賣開始,他不斷學習並深化對珠寶各面向的理解,最終將專注力放在了高級珠寶之上。

Ideal Founder Series 011
Wayne Ma, Founder of Blue Diamond

Jul 30, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 010
Michael Lee , Founder of LiFUNd


錸放科技創辦人 - Michael,過去在大企業中擔任過會計、內部稽核師等職務,在這樣彈性相對較小的環境下,Michael 學會了如何在精準掌握資訊後,利用資訊在各方利益間找到平衡點。

雖然新創公司擁有極高的靈活性,但不變的是新創公司始終需要在各方的利益和需求之間尋找平衡。儘管企業和新創在運作模式和風格上存在顯著差異,Michael 的這些經驗在創立錸放科技的過程中仍然帶來了很大的幫助。

Ideal Founder Series 010
Michael Lee , Founder of LiFUNd

Jul 14, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 009
Joanne Su, Founder of Buonogf

“The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.”


Ideal Founder Series 009
Joanne Su, Founder of Buonogf

Jun 23, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 008
Jimmy Kao , Founder of Mountain Studio



The moment when the photographer's finger presses the shutter button, what is captured is a delayed image compared to what the photographer wanted to capture a few microseconds earlier. These images serve as the foundation for post-production, but they are merely a medium, not the main character.

The true protagonists are the clients who are already fully immersed in enjoying the present moment before the shutter is pressed.

Ideal Founder Series 008
Jimmy Kao , Founder of Mountain Studio

Jun 11, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 007
Erin Wen, Co-Founder of Hououdou

《上善若水,把握當下》, in English it means staying flexible and adaptable as we go on in life, and enjoy every moment. In just a few simple words, we can capture Erin's entrepreneurial journey, from initially sharing her homemade peppercorn oil with friends to formally establishing and selling Hououdou peppercorn oil, and ultimately gaining recognition from renowned chefs in Taiwan and Japan.

Ideal Founder Series 007
Erin Wen, Co-Founder of Hououdou

May 29, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 006
Allen Chiang, Co-Founder & CEO of
Projext & Co.

也正是在這樣的背景下,Allen、Jabez和 Denny 決定將永續時尚的魅力傳遞給更多人,Projext & Co. 因此誕生。

In this era where information and trends are ever-changing, fast fashion has been a convenient and affordable choice for consumers. However, we have become increasingly aware of the irreversible environmental damage caused by this convenience.

It is against this backdrop that Allen, Jabez, and Denny decided to introduce the charm of sustainable fashion to a wider audience, they decided to start Projext & Co.

Ideal Founder Series 006
Allen Chiang, Co-Founder & CEO of 
Projext & Co.

Apr 28, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 005
Gotou, Founder of Fish Act Inform

水族及水產養殖產業正在面對巨大的改變,然而在這樣的局勢下,Gotou 仍然在產業中站穩了腳步。
業界十分缺乏「顧問」這個角色,充滿熱情的 Gotou 決定成為改變的第一道曙光。利用多年下來累積的經驗,Gotou 正一點一滴透過魚活通帶來更多改變,同時為這個充滿潛力的產業帶來全新的樣貌!

The aquarium and aquaculture industry is facing tremendous changes, yet amidst such circumstances, Gotou has managed to maintain a firm foothold in the industry.

The industry lacks the role of "consultant", so Gotou decided to become the force to drive the change. Leveraging the experience accumulated over the years, Gotou is gradually bringing more changes through Fish Act Inform, while also bringing a fresh look to this industry full of potential!

Ideal Founder Series 005
Gotou, Founder of Fish Act Inform

Apr 17, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 004
Leo Hsiao, Founder & CEO of
Sounds in Taipei

As a founder of Sounds in Taipei, a podcast studio located in the heart of Taipei city, Leo views the world not only through his eyes, but also through listening to what the city has to share, and portraying Taipei through his voice.

座落於台北市市中心,聲動台北的創辦人,Leo,不只是透過他的雙眼去看這個世界,同時也透過聆聽散落在台北各個角落的故事與歷史,慢慢地描繪出Leo 心中的台北。

Ideal Founder Series 004
Leo Hsiao, Founder & CEO of 
Sounds in Taipei

Mar 31, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 003
Daniel Hill, Co-founder & CEO, Mark Chang, Co-founder & CTO of AQUIVIO

AQUIVIO建立於2021年,兩位共同創辦人 Daniel Hill 以及 Mark Chang 的目標是以人人都可以負擔的價格,將高品質的鹼性氫氣水提供給所有有需要的人。

AQUIVIO was established in 2021, with co-founders Daniel Hill and Mark Chang aiming to provide high-quality alkaline hydrogen water at affordable prices for everyone.

While offering consumers customized functional beverages based on individual health and fitness goals, AQUIVIO is also committed to reducing the waste of plastic containers. Therefore, they use water dispensers as a channel to provide functional beverages, minimizing unnecessary container waste and creating a new revenue source for the venue.

Ideal Founder Series 003
Daniel Hill, Co-founder & CEO, Mark Chang,  Co-founder & CTO of AQUIVIO

Mar 17, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 002
Jay Cheng, Founder & CEO of Ingenuity

面對全球缺工的狀況,人力將比以往的更加吃緊,能提升資訊技術,協助企業流程自動化,將可以大幅改善現在企業普遍遇到的困境 - 人力不足,辦公流程繁瑣。
Facing global labor shortage, Jay believes that if we can automate business processes by enhancing information technology, we can significantly improve the productivity of companies in general when facing labor shortage and the cumbersome admin process. 
The solution brought out by Ingenuity not only improves overall administrative efficiency but also grants companies a more flexible operation.

Ideal Founder Series 002
Jay Cheng, Founder & CEO of Ingenuity

Feb 24, 2023

Ideal Founder Series 001
Ethan Lee, Founder & CEO of IoGYM


IoGYM functions as an ever-running engine with the team members not only specialize in weight training and nutrition science, but also possess a very energetic characteristic in their respective fields of expertise. Ethan, CEO of IoGYM said, "By using IoT as the crankshaft and AI as the piston, this engine drives various innovative services, making sports more fascinating."

Ideal Founder Series 001 
Ethan Lee, Founder & CEO of IoGYM

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106414 台北市大安區敦化南路二段77號7F-4

7F-4, No. 77, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106414, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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